2024-07-22 11:06:25 -04:00

487 lines
15 KiB

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Note that if the page is only visible to logged in users, make sure the session cookie textbox is filled out first."
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Write them as they appear in the URL. (no underscores)"
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Useful if migrating from the submisison notifications. Enter the ID of the last submission you looked at and nothing uploaded before that will be shown."
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Optional. Required for Mature and Adult content... And for the artists that... Ugh... only allow logged in users to view their art."
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Submissions with these words in their titles will not show up in your feed. Case-insensitive. One entry per line.
Examples: \"ych\", \"streaming\", \"announcement\""
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Put the names of users in here and submissions posted by them will be hidden.
Write the names how they appear on the webpage. (with letter case and underscores)"
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How often should the programme check for new submissions when there are none. Set to 0 to disable."
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