224 lines
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224 lines
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extends Node
var preyzone # the node that prey will go in when spawned
var CollectLocation = Vector2.ZERO
## this comment is old and probably no longer applies and may be removed
# maybe 0 is internal 1 is URL and 2 is embed if possibe
# ok maybe later handle this with a tool script that takes the data from the world.
# after all, others might need it if anyone actually made a character for this.
# which is unlikely to ever hapen.
var beamtrail = true#(OS.get_name() != "Android")
var camlabel
var wsize:int = 50
var screensize:int = 1
var theme = preload("res://UI_themes/main.tres")
var ct = ""
var settingsfile = ConfigFile.new()
var preyfile = File.new()
var dir = Directory.new()
var showtouch = false
enum xrayset {NEVER, WHEN_CLICK, ALWAYS}
var xray:int = xrayset.WHEN_CLICK
# the data about each prey. it is a array that contains a dictionary for each prey
# it starts with the rabbit but more prey can be loaded in at startup or when the
# uesr imports one. in the dictionary, there is name, SpriteMain, and shape.
# the name is a string that is shown to the user in the menu.
# the SpriteMain is the main sprite for when not digested. usually a ImageTexture
# the shape is the shape object of the prey. usually a CapsuleShape2D
# size is vector2 for initial scale when spawnd
# file is the location of the file. a user:// folder or null if only in memory or built-in
# that will be used by the prey manager to decide whether to grey out the delete button
# collectsize is the size that the prey must be equal to or less than to be collect
var preydata:Dictionary = {
# the amount that the prey's scale is multiplied by when colected and devided by when dropped
var collectscale = 10
# prey's scale is multiplied by when go inside pred and divided by when leave pred
var insidescale = 2
var preytoedit = "" #the name of the prey to edit in the edit menu
func _ready():
var list = Directory.new()
#first read autoimport to import png as memory preys
var file_name = list.get_next()
while file_name != "":
if file_name.ends_with(".png") or file_name.ends_with(".webp"):
#load image
file_name = list.get_next()
#now import all .prey files in the prey folder
file_name = list.get_next()
while file_name != "":
file_name = list.get_next()
#load settings from file
OS.min_window_size = Vector2(320,240)
Global.theme.default_font.size = settingsfile.get_value("UI","font_size",def_font_side())
screensize = settingsfile.get_value("UI","screen_size",screensize)
xray = settingsfile.get_value("UI","xray",xrayset.WHEN_CLICK)
func import_prey(file:String,external:bool = false) -> bool:
# import prey from png image or prey file. "file" var is absolute dir
# if external is true, dont set the file param. keep it at null so its memory prey
var img = Image.new()
var imgtex = ImageTexture.new()
if dir.file_exists(file):
if file.get_extension() == "png" or file.get_extension() == "webp":
print("Importing image into prey: ",file.get_file())
#import image into new prey
if img.load(file) == OK:
print("Loaded "+file)
preydata[file.get_file()] = auto_shape(img)
preydata[file.get_file()]["SpriteMain"] = imgtex
preydata[file.get_file()]["file"] = null
preydata[file.get_file()]["squeeze"] = 0.7
return true
print("Failed to load "+file)
return false
elif file.get_extension() == "prey":
print("Importing prey data: ",file.get_file())
#load prey file maybe i will use that extention.
var fdata:Dictionary = preyfile.get_var(false)
imgtex.create_from_image(img,Texture.FLAG_MIPMAPS | Texture.FLAG_FILTER)
var shape = recttocapsule(fdata.get("shape"))
var newprey:Dictionary
newprey["SpriteMain"] = imgtex
if not external:
newprey["file"] = file
newprey["shape"] = shape[0]
newprey["shaperot"] = shape[1]
newprey["size"] = fdata.get("size")
newprey["collectsize"] = fdata.get("collectsize")
newprey["shrunksize"] = fdata.get("shrunksize")
newprey["health"] = fdata.get("health")
newprey["squeeze"] = fdata.get("squeeze",0.7)
preydata[fdata["name"]] = newprey
return true # this means successs but i need to make failure detect
return false
func save_prey(location:String,preyname:String):
print("Saving prey: ",preyname," to ",location)
#save prey to this location with data in .prey format
var data:Dictionary = preydata.get(preyname,{})
if data.empty():
return false
var savedata:Dictionary
# gather data into export format
savedata = {
"shape":capsuletorect(data.get("shape"),data.get("shaperot") == 90),
# save file or to buffer if its true.
func auto_shape(image: Image):
# make new capsule shape from image using dimensions
# in fact it also provides other automatic data for the prey
#var shape = CapsuleShape2D.new()
var result = recttocapsule(image.get_size()-Vector2(2,2))
var shape = result[0]
var rotate = result[1]
return {
func def_font_side():# set default font size based on OS
if OS.get_name() == "Android":
return 32
func capsuletorect(shape:CapsuleShape2D,rotated = false):
# converts capsule shape 2d to rect width and height
var rad = shape.radius
var hei = shape.height
var x
var y
if not rotated:
y = hei + (rad * 2)
x = (rad * 2)
x = hei + (rad * 2)
y = (rad * 2)
func recttocapsule(rect:Vector2,capsule:CapsuleShape2D = null) -> Array:
if capsule == null:
capsule = CapsuleShape2D.new()
var rotate:int
if rect.y > rect.x:
rotate = 0
capsule.radius = rect.x / 2
capsule.height = rect.y - capsule.radius*2
rotate = 90
capsule.radius = rect.y / 2
capsule.height = rect.x - capsule.radius*2
return [capsule,rotate]
func set_scree_size():
var size:Vector2
if screensize == 0:
size = Vector2(800,600)
elif screensize == 1:
size = Vector2(960,720)
elif screensize == 2:
size = Vector2(1280,720)
if not OS.window_fullscreen and not OS.window_maximized:
OS.window_size = size