{ "_fv": 57, "_type": "procedure", "definition": { "procedurexml": "CUSTOM:Bellyentity_diesWhen entity dies, if they die in acid and are a player, it is announced it in chat. If they are not in acid and are an animal, they have a 20% chance to drop flesh.ANDCUSTOM:AcidEntityPlayerif the player that died in acid is in a belly and has eatenBy nbt, annouce that they were digested by whatever ate them. otherwise just announce that they were digested.ANDCUSTOM:BellyeatenBy got digested by eatenBy got digestedANDLTRANDOM0.3forge:stomach_animalTRUECUSTOM:Flesh10this part handles spitting out any entities inside the creatre killedbellyTypeDestroyBellybellyOriginX0bellyOriginZ" } }