{ "_fv": 57, "_type": "procedure", "definition": { "procedurexml": "whatthefuckwhywontthissaveanothershitworkaroundbullshitentity_tickslocal:whatthefuckwhywontthissaveFALSEANDANDEntityPlayerANDCUSTOM:ShrinkGunCUSTOM:ShrinkGunMobUseCUSTOM:BellyGetABelly2ANDANDANDCUSTOM:ShrinkGunEntityLivingEQeatCoolDown0eatCoolDown601this is the start of the eat code that sets all the proper nbt and takes the entity to the stomach locationbellyDestbellyTypenew in 2.0.0 copy the exit command from the predpreyExitCMDpredExitCMDeatenByeatenByIDvoreIDexitXexitYexitZexitDIMworkaround to get if od dimension from vanilla or any modResourceKey[minecraft:dimension / ]play eat noise or fox eat noise if its a fox.EntityFoxentity.fox.eatneutral21entity.generic.eatneutral21another test i will try which is to run this 1 tick laterTRUE1execute in vore_mod:belly run tp @s ADDbellyOriginXbellyOffsetX bellyOffsetY ADDbellyOriginZbellyOffsetZeatTextlocal:anothershitworkaroundbullshiteatTextlocal:anothershitworkaroundbullshit[pred]local:anothershitworkaroundbullshitlocal:anothershitworkaroundbullshit[prey]local:anothershitworkaroundbullshitlocal:anothershitworkaroundbullshit[eater]local:anothershitworkaroundbullshitlocal:anothershitworkaroundbullshit[eatee]local:anothershitworkaroundbullshitif one of the eaten things is player, announce the eating to all people\notherwise just announce it to players within 10 blocks or so. that way people are not spammed with messages of zombies eating each otherANDOREntityPlayerEntityPlayerCUSTOM:RuleNoChatlocal:anothershitworkaroundbullshitlocal:whatthefuckwhywontthissaveTRUEEntityPlayerend of the eat code. this is supposed to depspawn the entity after it was eaten to deal with an annoying cross dimension duplication glitch in minecraftshitty workaround for lack of capability of nested for each entitiyANDlocal:whatthefuckwhywontthissaveCUSTOM:RuleNoChat16local:anothershitworkaroundbullshitFALSEeat immunity cooldownGTeatCoolDown0eatCoolDownMINUSeatCoolDown1update position of eaten mobsNEQvoreID0CUSTOM:BellyANDi would like to add voreception but i dont see a way to pull it off. this actually should fully prevent it. Say a mob ate you and then something else ate that mob, most likey they wont be loaded but if they did get loaded, your exit position would be that other stomach, however once you try to exit that stomach, it wont work.EQeatenByIDvoreIDCUSTOM:BellyexitXexitYexitZexitDIMworkaround to get if od dimension from vanilla or any modResourceKey[minecraft:dimension / ]exitCMDexecute in GetDimensionTPID run tp @s " } }