{ "_fv": 57, "_type": "procedure", "definition": { "procedurexml": "dimidSurfaceNetherEndCUSTOM:Bellyno_ext_triggerThis is used by the mod when creating the TP return command for when you leave the belly.\nIt converts the dimension id into the namespace for a minecraft command but only works for vanilla and this mod's dimensions.Surfacelocal:dimidminecraft:overworldNetherlocal:dimidminecraft:the_netherEndlocal:dimidminecraft:the_endCUSTOM:Bellylocal:dimidvore_mod:bellylocal:dimiddumb workaround to obtain the id of other dimensions like those from other mods or datapacksResourceKey[minecraft:dimension / ]CUSTOM:VoreboseResourceKey[minecraft:dimension / ]local:dimidlocal:dimiderrorerror[Vore Mod] Error: unknown dimension" } }